Offices & Directorates


Kumasi Technical University recognizes the place of ICT in achieving its mandate of producing skilled, career focused tertiary and middle-level manpower in the various academic disciplines. In this regard, the University established a fullfledged Information Communication Technology (ICT) Directorate to support its mission and vision.
The ICT Directorate currently has four (4) units namely;
• ICT Infrastructure Unit
• ICT services Unit
• Academic Computing Unit
• Software Development Unit.

Internal Audit Directorate

Section 16 of the Internal Audit Agency, 2003 (Act 658) and section 83 (1) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) require the establishment of Internal Audit Units or Departments in Public Section institutions including Kumasi Technical University.
The Directorate carriers out periodic internal audits of the University in line with standards and procedures provided by the Internal Audit Agency (IAA) and submit reports to the Audit Committee of the Council through the Vice Chancellor for action.

Finance Directorate

The Finance Directorate manages and controls the finances of the University on behalf of the Council. The Directorate aims to adhere to the best practice in the provision of financial services and management. To achieve this, particular attention is paid to all the statutory financial enactments as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards. This enables the Directorate to identify specific approaches to excellence in the management of funds aimed at supporting training and research work which is in line with the vision of the Technical University.

Directorate of Works and Physical Development

Established in 2012, the Directorate of Works and Physical Development provides professional direction in all construction and related projects of the University. The Directorate comprises of the following main Sections:
Physical Development
Estate and Municipal Services


To  become  the  central  point  of  excellence  for  all  construction  development activities of the University.

Career Development Unit

The Career Development Unit undertakes tracer studies, training for students in self-management and career development. It also coordinates Alumni activities.


To become a strong and effective unit, with reliable database of past students (Alumni) and assisting them to help their alma mater.

Industrial Liaison Office

The Industrial Liaison Office is responsible for coordinating industrial training programmes for students and lecturers of the institution to enable them gain practical work experience in the relevant industries.


To  be  a  centre  of  excellence  for  coordinating  competency-based  training  and education between the University and industry.


Promoting excellent work-based practice learning for competency based training and education for the Technical University’s students and lecturers to gain work- based practice experience.

Procurement Unit

The Procurement Unit is an outfit with the responsibility of superintending procurement activities. The unit is therefore responsible for undertaking and coordinating all detailed procurement activities within the institution in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, 2003(Act 663) as amended in Act 914 and the procurement manual.

Office of the Vice Chancellor

The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University. He has oversight responsibilities over the administrative and academic matters of the institution. He is also the Chief Disciplinary Officer. The Office is responsible for organizing and conducting the financial and administrative business of the University.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor consists of the following:.

Office of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages

The Office of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages was created in 2011 to handle all academic matters affecting the University vis-à-vis relationship with other associated institutions both national and international.
The Office has two (2) divisions:

  • International Affairs Division
  • Institutional Linkages Division


To be an office of International repute to place the University on the global tertiary educational landscape.