Kumasi Technical University recognizes the place of ICT in achieving its mandate of producing skilled, career focused tertiary and middle-level manpower in the various academic disciplines. In this regard, the University established a fullfledged Information Communication Technology (ICT) Directorate to support its mission and vision.
The ICT Directorate currently has four (4) units namely;
• ICT Infrastructure Unit
• ICT services Unit
• Academic Computing Unit
• Software Development Unit.
Each of these units is headed by a qualified person who is a senior member of the University.

To become a dynamic Directorate of ICT Excellence in propelling Technical University to world-class Institution.

Providing cost effective ICT solutions through technological innovations for academic and management operation of Kumasi Technical University.

The main objective of the Directorate is to develop and implement evolutionary ICT policies and strategies that are sensitive to emerging technologies and respond
to changing needs and practices. The subsidiary objectives are to:
• Guarantee the security of ICT resources and the safety of people working in ICT environments.
• Enhance skills to develop, implement, support and exploit ICT resources more effectively and efficiently.
• Provide quality network infrastructure and improve students' and staff access to ICT resources in line with the University's priorities.
• Ensure that business systems accommodate and facilitate changes in business practice that reflect changing institutional staff and student needs.