Ing. Dr. Edem C. Bensah

Head of Department
Staff Grade: 

MSc. Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids and Energy Systems), KNUST, Ghana, 2009

BSc. Chemical Engineering, KNUST, Ghana, 2005


Research Interests: 

CDM project development
Anaerobic wastewater treatment
Renewable energy 
Climate change: adaptation and mitigation

  • Ahiekpor J. C., Antwi E., Bensah E. C., Ribeiro J. X. F. (2015). Determinants of urban household cooking fuel choice in Ghana. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7, Issue 06, pp.17203-17206.
  • Bensah E. C, Kemausuor F, Miezah K, Kádár Z, Mensah M. African perspective on cellulosic ethanol production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49(2015)1–11
  • Kemausuor F, Kamp A, Thomsen ST, Bensah EC , Østergård H. Assessment of biomass residue availability and bioenergy yields in Ghana. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2014; (86): 28-37.
  • Bensah, E. C., Moses M. (2013). Chemical pretreatment methods for the production of cellulosic ethanol: technologies and innovations. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 719607,
  • Bensah E. C., Mensah M., Antwi E. (2011). Status and prospects for household biogas plants in Ghana – lessons, barriers, potential, and way forward. International Journal on Energy and Environment, Volume 2, Issue 5, 2011 pp.887-898
  • Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J., Boateng C. (2011). Migrating from subject-based to competency-based training in Higher National Diploma Chemical Engineering: the case of Kumasi Polytechnic. Education for Chemical Engineers, doi:10.1016/j.ece.2011.04.001
  • Antwi E., Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J. (2011). Use of solar water distiller for treatment of fluoride-contaminated water: the case of Bongo district of Ghana, Desalination, doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.05.044
  • Arthur R, Baidoo M. F., Brew-Hammond A., Bensah E C. (2011). Biogas generation from sewage in four public universities in Ghana: a solution to potential health risk. Biomass and Bioenergy, doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.04.019
  • Antwi E., Bensah E. C. et al. (2010). Ghana’s biofuels policy: challenges and the way forward. International Journal on Energy and Environment, Volume 1, Issue 5; pp. 805 – 814
  • Bensah E. C., Brew-Hammond A. (2010). Biogas technology dissemination in Ghana: history, current status, future prospects, and policy implications. International Journal on Energy and Environment, Volume 1, Issue 2; pp. 277 – 294
  • Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J.C., Antwi E. (2010). Improving sanitation in Ghana: role of sanitary biogas plants. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5(2): 125-133. Medwell Journals.
  • Bensah E. C., Brew-Hammond A. (2009). Biogas technology in Ghana: a study of opportunities and constraints. Proceedings from Sunyani Polytechnic Lecture Series V, Sunyani, Ghana.
  • Bensah, E. C., Brew-Hammond A. (2008). Biogas Effluent and Food Production in Ghana. Proceedings from Fourth National Conference on Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering, Cape Coast, Ghana.