Ing. Dr. Joseph X. F. Ribeiro

Ing. Dr. Joseph X. F. Ribeiro
Staff Grade: 
  • 2009 - 2011 MSc – Mechanical Engineering – Design and Production, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana
  • 2010 Installation and Maintenance of Standalone Power Systems – Design and Installation Deng Limited, Accra
  • 2007 Installation and Maintenance of Standalone Power Systems – Installation and Maintenance, Deng Limited, Accra
  • 1999 – 2003 BSc – Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Class Upper, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana
Brief Bio: 

Ing. Joseph X. F. Ribeiro (M.GhIE) is a Lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Kumasi Polytechnic. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the KNUST, Ghana in 2003, and a Master of Science degree in the Mechanical Engineering (Design and Production) in the same institution in 2011. He lectures mechanical design and production engineering, strength of materials as well as engineering materials, quality assurance, and manufacturing systems related courses.

Teaching Areas: 

MEC 142 Strength of Materials
MEC 152 Engineering Drawing
MER 204 Metrology
MEA 312 Principles of Supervision



  • 2013 – Date: Head of Section, Automobile Engineering
  • 2012 – Date: Solar Coordinator, CREK
  • 2010 – Date: Projects Coordinator, Centre for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (CEESD)

Teaching Experience

  • 2013 – Date: Lecturer/Researcher, Mechanical Eng. Dept., K’Poly
  • 2007 – 2013: Senior Instructor, Mechanical Eng. Dept., K’Poly
  • 2003 – 2005: Teaching Assistant, Liberal Studies. Dept., K'Poly

Other relevant activities

  • 2013, team member, development and construction of biogas plant for Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture (KITA), supported by SNV-Ghana
  • 2013, team member, needs assessment for players in the cookstove sector in Ghana, for SNV, UNDP, Energy Commission, and GHACCO.
  • 2012, team member, development of Africa improved cooking stove PoA for Envirofit International
  • 2011 – Date, development of improved firewood cookstoves for large scale dissemination in Ghana, team member, Kumasi Polytechnic
  • 2010 – Date, research and development of solar dryers for large scale drying of agricultural produce in Ghana, team member, Kumasi Polytechnic
  • 2010 – Date, design and installation of solar water distillers, team member, Kumasi Polytechnic
  • 2009 – Date, production and testing of gel ethanol (from sugarcane) as household fuel in Ghana, team member, Kumasi Polytechnic

Selected training

  • 2013 HOMER systems training, The Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi
  • 2012 Amatrol Training – Skills, Amatrol Inc., Kumasi Polytechnic, Kumasi
  • 2010 Installation and Maintenance of Standalone Power Systems – Design and Installation Deng Limited, Accra
  • 2007 Installation and Maintenance of Standalone Power Systems – Installation and Maintenance Deng Limited, Accra