Sunlight Ghana Shero Awards

Sunlight Ghana Shero Awards

The covid pandemic created situations in which families have lost single and multiple sources of income. To celebrate the female entrepreneurs who continue to support their families despite that sunlight recognized, and rewarded some Ghanaian women in entrepreneurship on mothers' day. 

The Sunlight Shero Campaign was launched to empower entrepreneurial African women in their desire to contribute more to the finances of their families. Mrs. Cromwell entered the competition as a mother and a career woman who also has a part-time business, that is farming which she is using to change her community and inspire the girls within as well. 

A Unilever Ghana competition organised by its Ashanti Regional Office to celebrate mothers across the Region has seen Mrs. Gifty Love Cromwell emerge as the overall winner. Mrs. Cromwell is a Junior Assistant Registrar attached to the Information Communication Technology Directorate of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU).

Mrs. Cromwell entered the competition as a mother and a career woman who also does farming as a part-time business just to change and inspire her community especially, the up and coming ladies within that community.  Farming, especially the subsistence type, has been known to be a preserve of the less privileged persons and usually undertaken in the smaller communities. Mrs. Cromwell was hailed highly for venturing into such a field. She cultivates cassava on over two acres of land and further processes it into gari when harvested. The gari is then distributed to the less privileged persons in her community and the nearby churches. Beneficiaries in her area that is Abuontem located in the Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti region together with her church members (Kingdom Witness Chapel) attest to how greatly her farm produce has helped them.

The organisers of the competition, having done their background checks chose Mrs. Cromwell as the ultimate winner for the Sunlight Shero Competition. As part of the award, she received a hamper which was made up of assorted products from Unilever Ghana, a trophy and a cheque of GHS 5,000. 

On behalf of the University, we say Ayekoo and Congratulations to Mrs. Cromwell for the award. 

Public Relation Office