Vice-Chancellor Cuts Sod for the Construction of a Five -Storey Block at Adako Jachie

Vice-Chancellor Cuts Sod for the Construction of a Five -Storey Block at Adako Jachie

The Vice-Chancellor, Ing. Prof Osei-Wusu Achaw of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has cut the sod for the commencement of the construction of a five-storey building at Adako Jachie to house two of its faculties. They are the Faculty of Creative Arts and Technology (FCAT) and the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST). 

The project is being carried out by AEON Complex Limited and it is funded from the University's own internally generated fund (IGF). Phase one of this project will be for the FCAT building which will have a four-storey structure with several classrooms including design partitions, updated and modern infrastructure and design studios. The building will additionally enhance the beauty of the campus and ensure that students are given modern infrastructure to aid learning since the Faculty engages in hands-on approach.

At the sod-cutting ceremony, Ing. Prof Osei-Wusu Achaw, the Vice-Chancellor stated that he is extremely happy for the ongoing project and emphasized the need for such projects. He expressed enthusiasm about the project and thanked the Architect, the Works Directorate, the Senior Management team and the Dean of FCAT who has been working closely with the Architect for their able support and hopes the Contractor Mr Peter Kwadwo E. Mensah gets the required resources and delivers on time. 

Some members of Senior Management present at the sod-cutting event also acknowledged their willingness to help make the project successful. The project is expected to be completed in 18 months. 

Picture: VC with the delegation from KsTU at the site.

University Relation Office