KsTU Inaugurates Hall Brigade Committee

Kstu Inaugurates Hall Brigade Committee

Ing. Prof Osei-Wusu Achaw, the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) on Thursday 8th April, 2021 inaugurated the newly formed Hall Brigade Committee. The students’ volunteer group spearheaded by the VC himself is meant to curb the misuse of utilities and also check the various behavioral patterns of students both on and out of campus.
The group has been divided into three and each has specific roles assigned to them. The groups are fire brigade, environmental and sanitation as well as the electrical and energy conservation group. The environmental and sanitation group is responsible for creating awareness on the appropriate use of the environment especially, the students’ immediate surroundings. The electrical and energy conservation group is also responsible for helping in creating awareness on the need to use the appropriate electrical gadgets on campus.
The VC stated that the Statutes of the University even encourages volunteerism among students. He expressed optimism that the idea of student volunteerism will be institutionalized even after his tenure of office.
The volunteer group that is yet to have an official name is expected to provide services to the University community and other places in the Kumasi metropolis. The VC urged every student to take part the volunteerism because it will benefit them in the long run. He promised that certificates will be given to each volunteer at the end of their stay on campus.
The VC noted further that it might be the first time something like that was happening on the campus of KsTU and it might be the first of its kind in any of the universities in the country. He also thanked students who have agreed to be part of the group and assured them that he will provide the various support needed for them to operate smoothly and effectively.
The Registrar, Mr. Ebenezer Kofi Boakye also encouraged the volunteers to work hard and be selfless as they embark on this journey. The Dean of Students, Hall Masters and Mistresses were present at the ceremony held at the New Great Hall.

Picture: A section of the volunteers during the inauguration.

Public Relation Office