IDCE of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) holds its 3rd Graduation

IDCE of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) holds its 3rd Graduation

The Institute of Distance Learning and Continuing Education (IDCE) continues to make great strides in giving school dropouts, informal sector workers and the general public the chance to further their education.

In furthering this objective, the Centre graduated one hundred and eighty-eight (188) students in various programmes including Motor Vehicle Technician, Construction Technician and Intermediate Fashion among others. The ceremony which took place at the New Great Hall in June 2017 had in attendance the Acting Vice Chancellor of KsTU Prof. Asiamah Yeboah, Acting Registrar Mr. Abraham Annan Adjei, Deans, Directors and members of staff.

In his opening address, the Acting Vice Chancellor emphasised the University’s resolve to organising training programmes for the informal sector, enhancing peoples’ skills and  also granting them the opportunity to further their education. He again assured the graduands of the Institution’s willingness to offer them admission should they apply to further their education in the Institution. They were further charged to put to practical use the skills they have acquired so as to justify the investment made in their education.

In his speech, the Director of IDCE Dr. Alfred Sarbah congratulated all graduands for having the temerity to endure the long and winding pathway that led to their graduation. The Director praised all who had contributed to the education of the graduands commending the lecturers from the various faculties. He further extolled the competencies and commitment of lecturers by providing the students with their support, encouragement, love as well as their professional guidance in the pursuit of the graduand’s academic journey.

He finally appealed to the graduands to make good use of the acquired skills and knowledge to improve themselves, their families and the nation as a whole.

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