Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Receives Donation from its Association’s Executives

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Receives Donation from its Association’s Executives

The 2019/2020 executives of Pharmaceutical Sciences Students Association of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) have presented some items to the Pharmaceutical Science Department of the University. The executives who showed this kind gesture were led by Bright K. Amegadzi. The act of magnanimity was shown to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences on Friday 20th November, 2020 at a short ceremony held in the office of the Head of Department Dr. George Owusu Dapaah.

The items were donated to help equip and expand the logistics of the Department. This will eventually help improve the teaching and learning in the Department. The items included 50 laboratory stools, a PH meter, one blender, 50 laboratory coats and head gears. Also included were departmental sign post as well as a suggestion box.

The Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences thanked the executives for the donation and asked the future executives to emulate the kind gesture.


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