Dr. George Ohene Djan

Staff Grade: 
  • PhD (Enterprise Management),
  • MBA (Accounting),
  • B. Ed. (Accounting & Mathematics),
  • Dip. In Business Education (Accounting & Mathematics),
  • Cert “A” 3-Year Post Sec
Brief Bio: 

Dr George Ohene Djan is a lecturer in the Department of Accountancy and Accounting Information Systems at the Kumasi Technical University, Ghana. He holds PhD in Enterprise Management focusing on Financial Management from Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Dr Djan has twenty-seven (27) years teaching experience, with seventeen (17) years been at the pre-tertiary level and ten (10) years at the tertiary level. He teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Dr Djan has participated in both academic and industry-oriented conferences and workshops both nationally and internationally. He has published in reputable peer-reviewed journals. 

Research Interests: 
  • Corporate governance,
  • Performance,
  • Corporate Finance and Economic Development
  • Financial Reporting. 
Teaching Areas: 
  • Financial Accounting,
  • Cost Accounting,
  • Management Accounting,
  • Financial Management,
  • Management Science,
  • Operations Management
Conferences Attended: 

1. 15th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), held at Yamaguchi University in Japan

2. 14th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), held at University of Wales, Trin St Great David, Swansea, Wales.

  1. Yusheng, K., Bawuah, J., Nkwantabisa, A. O., Atuahene, S. O. O. & Djan, G. O. (2020) “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Finance and Economics. Published as Early View. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.1967.
  2. Yusheng, K., Bawuah, J., Djan, G. O., & Kuutol, P. K. (2019) “Board Composition in Family Business and Performance in Ghana: Role of CEO Duality and Type of Directors. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 12(1): 2302-2313.
  3. Djan, G. O., Zehou, S. and Atuahene, S. O. O. (2018) “The Impact of Corporate Governance Practice on Firm Performance in Ghana”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), held at Yamaguchi University in Japan. Vols. I & II, pp 1309-1314. Web of Science (Awaiting Index: CPCI-SSH).
  4. Djan, G. O., Zehou, S. and Bawuah, J. (2017) “Board Gender Diversity and Dividend Policy in SMEs: Moderating Role of Capital Structure in Emerging Market”. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 9(1): 1667 – 1676.
  5. Djan, G. O. and Zehou, S. (2017) “Determinants of Risk Management Practices of SMEs in the Ashanti Region, Ghana”. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), held at University of Wales Trin St Great David, Swansea, Wales. Vols. I & II, pp 787-791. Web of Science (Index: CPCI-SSH).
  6. Djan, G. O., Abdul-Rahaman, A., Kasim, H. (2016) “Modeling Customer Satisfaction at Ghana Commercial Bank: An Application of Ordinal Logit Regression”. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 5(4): 670 – 677.
  7. Bawuah, J., Kuutol, P. K., Halidu, O. B., Djan, G. O., and Frimpong, S. (2016) “Dividend Policy in Ghana: Do Boards Comply?”.  International Journal of Financial Markets,2(3): 51 – 59.
  8. Bawuah, J., Djan, G. O., Halidu, O. B., and Frimpong, S. (2016) “Impact of Advertisement Expenditure on Banks Performance in Ghana”. International Journal of Empirical Finance,5(1):1–10.
  9. Djan, G. O., Frimpong, S., Bawuah, J., Halidu, O. B. and Kuutol, P. K. (2015) “Credit Risk Management and Its Impact on Financial Performance of Listed Banks in Ghana”.  International Journal of Financial Markets,2(2): 24-32.
  10. Frimpong, S., Djan, G. O., Bawuah, J., Halidu, O. B. and Kuutol, P. K. (2015) “Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Banks Performance: Ghana’s Position”. International Journal of Empirical Finance,4(5): 324-335.