Dr. Mrs. Akua Afriyie Asiedu-Ofei

Dr. Mrs. Akua Afriyie Asiedu-Ofei
Staff Grade: 

BPharm (KNUST, Ghana), MSc. (Nottingham, United Kingdom), PhD (KNUST, Ghana)

Brief Bio: 

I am a pleasant, self-motivated, meticulous and enthusiastic person, well organized, a great team player with excellent pedagogical skills. Teaching or imparting knowledge has always been a childhood passion, a pursuit I try to accomplish with so much gusto and inexhaustible agility. In terms of research, I like to take advantage of technology and come out with ground-breaking discoveries for the benefit of God and country.

Professional Membership: 
Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) , Ghana Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Society for General Microbiology, Society for Applied Microbiology, American Society for General Microbiology
Research Interests: 

Cancer chemotherapy and Cancer pain manageme

Teaching Areas: 

Physiology, therapeutics, Microbiology.

Conferences Attended: 
  • 6th Annual Conference of West African Society of Pharmacologists, Kumasi, Ghana.
  • Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Lady Pharmacists Association of Ghana (LAPAG) 20th Anniversary Celebration Conference, Accra, Ghana.
  • Abruquah A.A., Biney R.P., Osei-Bonsu E.B., Boamah K.M. and Woode E. (2017). Cancer pain assessment and management in ambulatory patients at a tertiary hospital in Ghana. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 4(6), 1793-1799.
  • Agyare C.S., Osafo N., Agyare C., Buabeng K.O. and Abruquah A.A. (2017). Supply chain management of anti-malarials in the district hospitals in Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ashanti Region of Ghana. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 9(4), 22-32.
  • Abruquah A.A., Biney R.P., Osei-Bonsu E.B., Boamah K.M. & Woode E. (2017). Adequacy of pain management in oncology patients at a Tertiary Hospital in Ghana. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6(2), 251-256.
  • Obeng P., Osei-Tutu L., Paintsil V., Dogbe J., Abruquah A.A., Yamoah P., Raymond B.M., Asiamah C., Acquah G., Adu-Gyamfi L. and Nkrumah A.O. (2016). Potential causes of Treatment Default among Peadiatric Oncology Patients in a Teaching Hospital, Ghana. In pediatric blood & cancer (Vol. 63, pp. S287-S287). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
  • Gyanfosu L., Koffuor G.A., Abokyi S., Abruquah A.A. and Eze F.I. (2016). Availability of antifungal eye drops in hospital and private retail pharmacies: a survey conducted in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 3(11), 3045-3050.
  • Koffuor G.A., Abruquah A.A., Audu R., Agyapong T. and Amoa-Gyarteng Y.A. (2016). Patronage and perceived efficacies of artemisinin-based combination therapies and herbal antimalarials in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences, 5(4), 267.
  • Koffuor G. A., Abruquah A. A., Audu R., Amoah J. and Agwah D. (2016). Patronage and perceived efficacy of herbal antityphoid preparations, and anti-salmonella activity of a herbal preparation used in Ghana. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 6(3), 001-007.
  • Audu R., Anto B. P., Koffour G. A., Abruquah A. A., Buabeng K. O. (2016). Malaria rapid diagnostic test evaluation at Private Retail Pharmacies in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice, 5(3), 175.
  • Asare F, Koffour G.A., Nyansah, W.B, Gyanfosu, L., Abruquah A. A. (2015). Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet properties of the latex unripe fruits of Carica papaya L (Caricaceae). International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 4(6), 1183- 1188.
  • Abruquah A.A., Drewry J.A. and Ampratwum F.T. (2014) “What happens to Unused, expired and unwanted medications? A survey of a community-based medication disposal practices. ”International Journal of Development and Sustainability”. ISSN 2186-8662- www.isdnet.com/ijds. 3(12): 2175-2185. ISDS Article ID: IJDS13041001
  • Abruquah A.A and Lambon S.P. (2014). “Hand hygiene practices- A workplace based survey in Ghana”. International Journal of Development and Sustainability ISSN 2186-8662- www.isdnet.com/ijds. 3(9): 1848-1861.
  • Abruquah A. A. and Dsane M. (Dr) (2014). Oral Hygiene Awareness Among Junior High School Students in Ghana. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences. Volume 2. ISSN: 2315-9954.
  • Abruquah A. A. and Solaga D. (2014). HIV/AIDS Related Knowledge, Attitude and Sexual Behaviors of Students of a Tertiary Institution in Ghana. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences. Volume 2. ISSN: 2315-9954.
  • Abruquah A. A., Duah P., Osarfo D. (2014). Hypertension Among Young Adults in Suburban Areas of Ghana Using the Osiem Municipality of The Eastern Region As A Case Study. The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal.
  • Abruquah A. A., Addai-Agyei J. A., Ampratwum F. T. (2013). Unwanted Medication in Rural Ghanaian Households: Disposal Practices and Environmental Impact. The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal.
  • Abruquah A. A., Salo P. L., Owusu Antwi R. (2013). Self-Medication: The Silent Epidemic Among Tertiary Level Students in Ghana. The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal.