Women In Technical Education Development Organises Workshop For Schools

Women In Technical Education Development Organises Workshop For Schools

Women in Technical Education Development (WITED) at Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has organised a day’s workshop for the second cycle and basic schools in Kumasi. The programme which was dubbed “Promoting Gender Equity for Technology Innovation” was chaired by Mrs. Dwomour Forkuo, the former Director of Institute of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise and Development (IEED). The programme was meant to enlighten students and the general public on gender equity in relation to technology education and development.

It was emphasised that due to the wrong perception that some subjects are meant for the male gender, many females are deterred or discouraged from pursuing certain academic programmes hence, certain jobs in the world of work. With this perception, some females who are found in pursuing their dream-jobs related to such perceived male-dominated areas are hardly given equal opportunities in terms of job positions. The one day workshop among other things sought to address such gender-related issues while the students were encouraged to pursue programmes of study that match their abilities.

According to Prof. Gabriel Dwomour who stood in for the Interim Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. Mike A. Acheampong, girls are mostly underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and that,  they should be given equal opportunities in every field especially,  in the area of technical education and urged everyone to avoid gender disparity.
Continuing, Prof. Dwomour asserted that “More girls in Ghana are in school today than ever before but, they do not always have the same opportunities as boys to complete and benefit from the education of their choice. Too many girls and women are held back by biases, social norms and expectations influencing the quality of the education they receive and the subjects they study”, he said.
He encouraged girls to put away the phobia for study areas related to Science, Mathematics and Engineering. He encouraged the girls to believe in themselves and not to see themselves as inferior to the opposite sex.

The guest speaker who was the Registrar of Presbyterian College Mrs. Mary Abena Agyapong highlighted on some forms of gender inequities which come in the various forms against the female gender. These she said include biases in the distribution of education and health supports. She mentioned domestic violence, victimization against females, child marriages and human trafficking as some of the factors that often militate against the female gender. According to her, the promotion of gender equity through advocacy, education, direction, inclusion, among others could help curb such practices. She urged the students to develop interest in science-related programmes.

During the practical session, students were exposed to networking and software programming. There was also an exhibition of products from KsTU students from the departments of Hospitality, Chemical Engineering and Medical Laboratory.


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