The novel coronavirus (COVID- 19) which has bedeviled countries the world over has had its toll on economies, educational institutions and the general life style of people. Ghana as a country has not been an exception to this pandemic. Just as it is with any new thing, the entire world including Ghana has had the difficulty of adjusting to the effects of the virus and its concomitants.


The onset of the COVID-19 in Ghana caused the government to introduce drastic but necessary measures aimed at limiting the spread of the disease. The measures included closing down of the country’s borders, shutting of all educational institutions, banning of public gatherings and any form of religious activity as well as a partial lockdown of Greater Accra and Greater Kumasi. These measures, although necessary, brought uncertainties and a certain level of discomfort in the country. However, after observing the situation for some time, the government eased some of the restrictions. One of the many restrictions that has been eased is the reopening of all educational institutions for final year students to pass out.


It is without argument that COVID-19 still exists in the country as the number of cases keeps rising. To give meaning to the government’s directive that final year students could go back to school so as to be able to write their exit examinations,  disinfection exercises were started on the campuses of the institutions concerned by Zoomlion as directed by the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo,


The needed arrangement were made for the campuses of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) to be disinfected on the Thursday before the arrival of students. The Management of the University is determined to strictly adhere to all safety protocols so as to ensure that all final years complete their programmes in a safe learning environment.  The disinfection exercise carried out on the campuses of KsTU covered all offices, lecture halls, laboratories and workshops. The Management of the University has also procured Veronica Buckets to be placed at vantage points, face masks for lecturers and hand sanitizers produced by KsTU to be placed at strategic areas for use on campus. Also, a foot-operated hand washing machine manufactured by the University will be in use to support the act of hand-washing on campus.


Management wishes to assure the student body that all necessary and safety protocols will be strictly adhered to as final year students are welcomed back to campus.

Picture : A member from the Zoomlion disinfection team in full gear.



Picture: Disinfection of walkway by the team


Picture: Some members of the disinfection team busily working.

Public Relation Officer