The determination of the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) Ing. Prof Nana Osei-Wusu Achaw to make the University a world-class one is gradually but consistently taking shape. The determination was given a further boost when a three-day Management Retreat was held at Anita Hotel in Ejisu which culminated into signing of Performance Contract with the various divisional leadership of staff within the University.

The Contract is in line with Government’s quest to ensure that public institutions give quantifiable performance results and improved productivity. At the said Retreat, the Deans, Directors, Heads of Department, Unit and Section thoroughly went through and discussed the vision of the Vice-Chancellor. The essence of the entire exercise was to give better understanding and clarity to the vision of the new leader so that it can be owned by the entire University Community so as to contribute immensely to its achievement.

At the end of the three-day exercise which was facilitated by Mr. Rockson K. Dogbegah who is the President of the Institute of Directors (Ghana), contracts were signed between the Deans, Directors, Heads of Department, Unit and Section on one side, and the top  leadership of the  University on the other. During the programme, various presentations as well as questions and answers sessions held.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the contracts were developed by all the parties after critically going through the vision. It is expected that in the next five years, the University would have changed substantially in every aspect and will be seen as one of the world-class universities that are in line with the global trends. This is also in sync with the strategic plan of the University.


The Vision and the Strategic Pillars

The University has set for itself a vision of becoming a world-class technical university devoted to Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship education. This is being pursued vigorously with the spirit of teamwork and commitment on the part of all staff to turn things around at KsTU. The ultimate aim, is to make KsTU the best technical university in Ghana and among the best in the world in the training of tertiary level technical and professional human resource with entrepreneurial skills through the educational, industrial and social research achievements, and professional services of the faculty, staff and students.

The vision is anchored on three strategic thrusts. These are

i) Strengthening governance units and structures for effective and efficient service delivery;

ii) Instituting targeted programmes to deal with festering challenges and also,

iii) Positioning the Institution to deal with emerging national and global issues.

The good news is that the vision and the new ways of doing things in the University have caught up well with all and sundry which have rekindled positive attitude to work and yearning for results among the staff in Kumasi Technical University.

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