Kumasi Technical University Holds its 29th Matriculation Ceremony

Kumasi Technical University Holds its 29th Matriculation Ceremony

Kumasi Technical University on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th March, 2021 held its matriculation to welcome all freshmen and women officially into the Institution. The Ceremony which was organised over a two-day period saw six thousand and fifty-one (6051) students being matriculated out of over 8000 applicants. There was strict adherence to COVID-19 safety protocols which necessitated holding the programme in two days. Specifically, on the first day, the programme was organised in three sessions involving six faculties and the Graduate School. The second day’s programme was structured into two sessions comprising the Business School and the Institute of Distance Learning and Continuing Education (IDCE)

Addressing the students, Ing. Prof. Nana Osei-Wusu Achaw, the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of KsTU congratulated the students for gaining entry into the Best Technical University in the country. He reminded them of the existing high standards in terms of academics in the Institution and thus, admonished them to take their academic work seriously by cultivating a reading habit. He implored the students to eschew vices that can lead them to flouting the University’s rules and regulations. The Vice-Chancellor was emphatic that the students should abstain from alcoholism, indecent dressing and unbridled sexual life as the University frowns on those practices.

The VC further admonished the fresh students to always be reminded by the University Oath they had taken before the dignitaries who attended the ceremony including deans of the various faculties, the Registrar and other members of staff.
